The Academy of Inner Science & Mobius Executive Leadership present:

Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program

A one-year professional certificate program for consultants, coaches, group facilitators, & HR professionals to learn to facilitate deep client transformation through trauma-informed practices and processes

with Thomas Hübl, Amy Elizabeth Fox, and Special Guest Faculty

Sponsoring & Contributing Organizations

Trauma-Informed Consulting Certificate Program Sponsor Logos. Academy of Inner Science Logo, Mobius Executive Leadership logo, The Next Practice Institute logo, Coaches Rising logo
Trauma-Informed Consulting Certificate Program Sponsors. Academy of Inner Science Logo, Mobius Executive Leadership logo, The Next Practice Institute logo, Coaches Rising logo
Headshot of Thomas Hübl, PhD

“Sometimes the sand in the engine of impact is trauma, is the permafrost that we didn't fully identify in our team member or organization.”


Headshot of Amy Elizabeth Fox

“You cannot have psychological safety and emotional wellbeing in an organization without being sensitive to, and proactively addressing, the trauma and collective trauma all of us carry."


A Special Invitation from Thomas Hübl & Amy Elizabeth Fox

Kind greetings,

We are excited to be opening up our new one-year training for leadership professionals, The Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program.

This is an intensive, in-person and online training for consultants, executive coaches, transformational facilitators, and HR professionals who want to be at the forefront of their respective fields.

There is an emerging movement within the executive coaching field that recognizes the effects that individual and collective trauma have on the health, coherence and performance of leaders, teams and organizations.

As a response to this need, many of you have been asking for an advanced and intimate experience to become versed in trauma and its aftermath and for a way to upgrade your ability to provide relational restoration to your clients and the organizations they lead.

As a trained trauma-informed consultant and coach you will learn how trauma may have impacted your own life. You will refine your ability to understand and address the deepest drivers of less productive executive mindsets and behaviors. You’ll learn to effectively transform the dimensions of organizational culture that are contoured by trauma and its aftermath.

Inside this innovative program you will be taught by some of the foremost trauma and organizational development experts in the world who will share with you best-in-class frameworks and practices for personal and collective transformation so you can be at the leading edge of your profession.

Here is an overview of the program:

  • An inaugural 5-day In-Person Retreat – Boston, MA, USA
  • Three 4-day Online Retreats with Special Guest Faculty in the fields of Trauma, Organizational Development, and Collective Healing
  • Access to a curated library with extensive resources by thought leaders in the fields of self-development, emotional intelligence, team dynamics, and organizational change
  • Small-Group Supervision Sessions with experienced mentors
  • Access to all videos, audios, and transcripts
  • Certificate of Completion

By participating in the Trauma-Informed Consulting and Coaching Certification Program you will have a chance to understand the cutting edge of transformational leadership work and be in the leading wave of organizational understanding about the role of trauma and trauma healing in leadership development. We expect this domain of competency will significantly impact and inform organizational learning, coaching, and consulting in future years.

You can find all the details about the curriculum, faculty, dates, locations, and the application process on this page.

Please also make sure you sign up to watch the free, introductory session for more information.

We look forward to welcoming many of you into this the program. By attending this inaugural offering you will be part of an inspired group of practitioners who will help shepherd a new era of trauma-informed practices into the world today.

In appreciation,

Headshot of Thomas Hübl, PhD

Thomas Hübl

Founder, Academy of Inner Science​

Headshot of Amy Elizabeth Fox

Amy Elizabeth Fox

Co-Founder & CEO of Mobius Executive Leadership

P.S. Please submit your application as early as possible if you are interested because we are expecting more applications than we have spaces available.

“The foundation of establishing your trauma-informed leadership lies in cultivating and deepening your presence.”

— Thomas Hübl

The Expanding Demand for More Trauma-Informed Consultants & Coaches

This first-of-its-kind program offers foundational trauma practices and literacy on how to address trauma dynamics within executive leaders, teams and organizational settings while also sharing the gold standard of transformational coaching and group facilitation.

Understanding our own trauma and the trauma that resides inside teams and organizations is often the ‘hidden elephant’ in the room. It can be the obstacle that silently sabotages the aims and shared mission of the group and derails many organizations from reaching their aspirations.

During the program we will learn and explore some of the following topics:

  • How unrecognized trauma profoundly impacts the clients we serve and the groups we lead
  • How we as coaches can help our clients become focal points for relationality, coherence building, and psychological safety
  • Leading edge tools for the cultivation of presence, resilience and spaciousness that nurture self-growth and compassion
  • How to engage more skillfully with team and community challenges, including the ability to recognize and respond more adequately to symptoms of trauma, stress from overcomittment, and a context of rapid change and uncertainty
  • How to build a global movement to help organizational cultures become more trauma-informed and trauma sensitive

By becoming a trauma-informed consultant or coach, we are more able to help our clients to integrate the past, fulfill their full potential, and expand the possibilities for their leadership and to help the companies they guide by becoming more wholesome, intimate and thriving places to work.

The Three Primary Pillars: Expanding Your Impact in the World

As you choose the path of being a trauma-informed consultant or coach you will work to transform yourself, executives, teams, and organizations that you serve as well as the broader culture of business

#1 Deepening Your Relationship to ‘Self’

In order to serve as a transformational practitioner, it is important to start by examining your own inner life (emotions, beliefs, behaviors) and to focus on deepening your own healing path.

As we do the inner work to understand and address our own trauma we are able to bring a much greater presence to high stakes client interactions. In turn we heighten our sensing, observing, attuning, and intervention practices. We also develop practical skills and insights that we can offer as embodied wisdom to our clients.

The impact of trauma is often overlooked within leadership and by understanding your personal relationship to individual, ancestral, and collective trauma your awareness expands and new possibilities emerge for yourself and those you serve.

#2 Becoming Trauma Fluent

The program faculty includes many of the pioneering experts and researchers on understanding trauma and its aftermath. They will provide an orientation specifically designed for coaches and consultants: a survey of polyvagal theory and the neuroscience of trauma; examination of early childhood development and attachment; understanding the aftermath of adverse childhood experiences (ACE); understanding of the path of trauma healing personally and collectively.

The goal of this part of the training is to help you as a transformational practitioner to understand the symptoms of trauma at an individual, team. and organizational level, and to learn appropriate containment and attunement skills to help manage reactive and triggered moments.

Please note that this program should not be considered a substitute for advanced psychological training for addressing trauma in a therapeutic manner.

#3 Facilitating Change and Process Work for Executives, Teams and Organizations

Within teams and organizations we often see high levels of polarization, conflict and self-protection. These less optimal habits are often caused by an individual’s trauma that create reactive responses. This program helps practitioners to better respond to these unconscious habits and patterns in a way that can foster growth and learning.

Throughout the program we will look at how trauma is woven through the personal, organizational, and collective domains. Almost all of our larger societal structures, including the world of business, have been built upon layers of ignored trauma and driven by sets of unconscious agreements that are contorted by the aftermath of trauma.

Most culture change efforts in companies fail because they do not yet understand or address the powerful and large-scale impact of the trauma held by the organization’s leaders and employees. This program is part of a global wave in the business world to bring love back into business and to integrate healing into the repertoire of the organizational coach and consultant.

The Trauma-Informed Leadership Tool Kit:

Learn the Leading-Edge Methods, Practices & Transformation Frameworks For Helping Your Clients Address Trauma and its Aftermath in their own leadership behaviors, team dynamics and organizational culture

As a program participant you will learn a robust set of inner and outer tools and practices that you can use to lead and consult with individuals, teams and organizations.

Here are some of what we will be sharing with you inside the program:

What The Program Includes

An Inaugural 5-day In-person Retreat


This first opening retreat is a 5-day in-person immersive experience. We will establish an ethos for the program of generosity and mutual exploration during our time together.

Each day will begin with contemplative or movement practices and then include a mix of teachings, lectures, self-reflective exercises, small group practices, triads and other experiential dimensions of healing work. The sessions will also include live demonstrations where the lead faculty will work with participants in front of the group.

We will establish a global community and will seed friendships to enable ongoing conversations to carry forward in our year-long journey together. The intent is that many of these global peer relationships will continue on long after the training is complete so that we can continue to be a positive influence in the industry.

March 3–8, 2024

Three 4-day Online Retreats Including Guest Faculty Sessions

During our online retreats we will go deep into the theory and practices to become a trauma-informed consultant and coach. We will cover foundational  understanding for literacy in trauma healing in tandem with refining our collective understanding of transformational facilitation and coaching.

The online retreats will include presentations by world-class experts in trauma and organizational change work, small breakout sessions, live Q&A sessions, and opportunities for one-to-one connections to virtually meet other students from around the globe.

You can participate from anywhere in the world. All sessions will be recorded and available for playback if you would like to re-watch some sessions at a later time. 

Online Practitioner Resource Library and Portal

All participants will receive access to an extensive curated library of practitioner resources in key topics related to transformational practices. This also includes a special section on trauma-informed practices with proprietary material from the pioneering international Collective Trauma Summit. It will also include the archives of Thomas’s extensive teaching on relational attunement and  the mystical principles of healing.

Small-Group Supervision Sessions with Mentors

Each participant will be connected to a small group of around 20 students that will meet with a seasoned mentor in between the retreats. These groups will meet to deepen their engagement with the core content, share their experiences with the assigned practices, and to debrief the retreat and online session content.

These mentoring circles will also offer light supervision to explore client cases as participants learn to integrate the program’s content into their practice as a coach or consultant as well as to help everyone to prepare for the next retreat.

Private Membership Site with Downloadable Audio, Video, and Worksheets from our Retreat and Online Sessions

You will receive access to a private membership site where you will be able to watch and download all of the teachings just in case you miss any calls or training. This is also where we will upload relevant worksheets and practices.

Private Professional Online Community

Participants in the program will have access to a private social network to communicate with others in the group. We will also post news and updates directly into the group and maintain an active calendar of additional professional development opportunities relevant to the themes of the training.

Certificate of Completion

Upon graduation, you will receive a certificate of completion from both the Academy of Inner Science and Mobius Leadership Institute organizations.

Summary Schedule

Module #1: In-Person Retreat

March 3–8, 2024

5 days, Sunday dinner – Friday lunch
The Revere Hotel, Boston, MA

Module #2: Online Retreat

June 10-13, 2024

Monday – Thursday (10am–4pm ET)

Module #3: Online Retreat

Sept 9-12, 2024

Monday – Thursday (10am–4pm ET)

Module #4: Online Retreat

Oct 28–31, 2024

Monday – Thursday (10am–4pm ET)

Who Should Apply

This certificate program will bring together a diverse group of seasoned professionals who aim to explore and embody the leading edge of trauma-informed leadership and coaching.

Trauma-Informed Professionals including Leadership Consultants, Coaches, Development Specialists, Group Facilitators, HR experts, and Chief People Officers.
Trauma-Informed Professionals including Leadership Consultants, Coaches, Development Specialists, Group Facilitators, HR experts, and Chief People Officers.

NOTE: Because of the advanced nature and limited seats available for the program, you must also meet certain prerequisites listed in the application section below.

The Trauma-Informed Training Curriculum

Module #1: In-Person Retreat - Boston, MA, USA

MARCH 3–8, 2024

5 days, Sunday dinner – Friday lunch
The Revere Hotel, Boston Common

Creating a Fertile Ground for Inner & Outer Transformation: The ‘Self’ as Instrument

During our opening retreat together, we will lay the foundation for adding the qualities to become a practitioner of trauma-informed consulting and coaching including emotional attunement, presence, compassion and wisdom.

This retreat will look at using the inner life of the practitioner as the central instrument for inducing and inviting transformation in others. This includes the interpersonal skills needed to create psychological safety and intimacy with others and an exploration of the personal and collective trauma we each need to heal.

This module’s deep personal work will take participants into an exploration of their own life narrative and experiences, ancestral family history, experiences of collective trauma, and set the foundation for the rest of the program. This module will include personal process work on individual trauma experiences.

During our first in-person retreat we will cover the following topics:

  • Evolving capacity to use “Self” as instrument in coaching, team intervention and organizational consultation
  • Heightened understanding of own emotional composition (unconscious fears, triggers,. projective reactions and other blocks to intimacy and presence.)
  • Integrating and addressing your own toxic or traumatic stress
  • Cultivating inner space for engaging emotionally-charged traumatic content
  • Examining the correlation between your own trauma history and “difficult” client interactions
  • Practicing relational attunement and witnessing capacities
  • Understanding the principles of personal and collective trauma – their impact on individuals, team dynamics, and organizations
  • Designing your own developmental healing plan for ongoing integration
  • Understanding of the emerging field of transformational coaching, leadership development and organizational change
We will explore the following tools, methods, and practices:
  • 4 Sync Awareness
  • The Space Expander
  • Re-Sourcing Method
  • Self-Regulation & Centering Practices

Module #2: Online Retreat

June 10-13, 2024

Monday – Thursday (10am–4pm ET)

Theory, Frameworks, and Methods for Navigating Trauma as a Consultant or Coach

This 4-day online retreat will include presentations by some of the leading pioneers in understanding and treating trauma and its aftermath as well as the leading theorists in the field in early attachment, relational skills, and polyvagal theory.

These online sessions will rotate between exploring the latest models and theories, looking at case studies and applications, and practical exercises to explore it within the practitioner’s own real-time environments and use scenarios.

During these online sessions we will cover the following topics:

  • Foundational overview of the field of trauma and trauma recovery
  • Understanding the principles of early attachment theory, trauma responses, and the trauma repair process
  • A study of polyvagal theory and the neuroscience of trauma
  • Understanding of the centrality of co-regulation in healing
  • Facilitation and coaching skills specific to addressing trauma via co-regulation and grounding
  • Exploration of how trauma shows up in executive behavior and is a cause of leadership derailment
  • Determining the scope and range of practice as well as the limits of competency in supporting clients with reactive responses, deeper behavioral change, and trauma integration
We will explore the following tools, methods, and practices:
  • Meditations You Can Use with Clients
  • Increased Perception Skills
  • Co-Regulation Methods
  • Transparent Communication

Module #3: Online Retreat

Sept 9-12, 2024

Monday – Thursday (10am–4pm ET

Facilitating Team and Organizational Transformation

This online retreat will include presentations by leading experts in organizational development. We will look at the implications of trauma dynamics for executive coaching, team intervention, organizational consulting, and transformational leadership.

We will examine the major differences between individual and group trauma-informed practices including the additional skills and capacities needed for a trauma-informed consultant or coach in team and organizational settings.

During these online sessions we will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding how to use coaching and group process to promote maturation along adult development principles
  • Understanding the intersection of individual, ancestral and collective trauma
  • Examining the influence of personal trauma on team dynamics and organizational culture
  • Greater fluency with stages of group development and skills for calibrating interventions to the team dynamics
  • Principles for a trauma-informed organizational culture
  • Practices for how to help organizations evolve into wholesome trauma-informed work places
  • Diagnosing trauma symptom such as racism, denial, blame and resentment in organizational dynamics and developing strategies to address them in collective fields
  • Learning how to work with organizational fragmentation, polarization, racism, and other collective traumas.
  • Facilitation and coaching skills specific to trauma
We will explore the following tools, methods, and practices:
  • Conscious group coherence
  • Tools for supporting the stages of adult development
  • Coaching executives from reactive from creative responses
  • Tools for helping teams and organizations become adaptation-ready and resilient

Module #4: Online Retreat

Oct 28–31, 2024

Monday – Thursday (10am–4pm ET)

Transformational, Trauma-Informed Coaching and Facilitation

In our closing retreat together, we will look at how we work with clients using inner processes and technologies in larger systemic ways to shift stuck states, open organizational healing capacities, and to address long-held cultural knots.

This module will also present the Collective Trauma Integration Process (CTIP), a model for working in large groups to address collective trauma. We will review the principles for serving organizations in their cultural change efforts through restorative interventions and group events.

This module will also include two panel discussions: one that brings together actively practicing trauma-informed coaches and facilitators, and another composed of HR professionals who are leading the movement to foster a trauma-informed workplace.

Finally, we will present a competency map for transformational work to enable participants to develop a path for continued learning after the program.

During our final online retreat we will cover the following topics:

  • Examination of how collective trauma fields are created and maintained
  • Learning to diagnose the role of the collective unconscious in shaping culture
  • Understanding how to intervene in trauma symptoms at every level of an organization
  • Developing collective processes for companies to integrate traumatic situations (massive lay-offs, scandals, power abuse, creating harm, etc)
  • The role of ancestral and intergenerational work in societal restoration
  • Sharing a vision for the future of collective trauma work in the world
  • Integration session to reflect on and design how to integrate the program’s learnings into your own practice as a coach or facilitator
We will explore the following tools, methods, and practices:
  • Competency Grids (use language from tool section)
  • Principles and Practices of Trauma-Informed Workplaces
  • Collective Trauma Integration Process

“Humanity needs trauma informed leaders to bring greater clarity of thought and psychological safety to their organizations. This depth of corporate healing requires cognitive, embodied, relational and sacred energy. I can’t think of two better guides to bring trauma informed mastery to transformational coaches and facilitators than Amy Fox and Thomas Huebl. Looking forward to witness the humane leadership impact that will result.”

— ricardo sunderland, Partner, Egon Zehnder

Meet the Faculty and Mentors

Headshot of Thomas Hübl, PhD

Thomas Hübl, PhD, is a renowned teacher, author, and international facilitator whose lifelong work integrates the core insights of the great wisdom traditions and mysticism with the discoveries of science. Since the early 2000s, he has been leading large-scale events and courses that focus on the healing and integration of trauma. He has been teaching workshops and presenting training for Harvard Medical School since 2019 and is currently a visiting scholar at Harvard's Wyss Institute. In 2022, he received a PhD in Wisdom Studies from Ubiquity University.

His non-profit organization, The Pocket Project, works to support the healing of collective trauma throughout the world. He is the author of Healing Collective Trauma: A Process for Integrating Our Intergenerational and Cultural Wounds and the forthcoming book Attuned: Practicing Interdependence to Heal Our Trauma—and Our World.

Headshot of Amy Elizabeth Fox

Amy Elizabeth Fox has served since 2005 as one of the co-founders and the Chief Executive Officer of Mobius Executive Leadership, a global transformational leadership firm. For the last twenty years she has served as a leadership and culture change advisor to eminent professional services firms and Fortune 500 companies. Mobius offers transformational leadership programs and executive coaching and retreats and maintains its own professional development arm, the Next Practice Institute. Amy regularly leads deep immersive five-day leadership sessions for groups of senior executives and public sector leaders.

Amy is considered an expert in healing individual, family, and collective trauma and has been a pioneer in introducing trauma-informed development and psycho-spiritual principles into leadership offerings. In addition to her work with Mobius, Amy is a senior student of mystical teacher Thomas Hübl, serving as part of his online faculty team and as lead faculty for his two-year Timeless Wisdom Training. Amy has a Masters in Counseling from Lesley College and a BA in Psychology from Wesleyan University.

Program Mentors & Assistants

Thomas and Amy will be joined by a team of teaching assistants and mentors who will lead ongoing supervision groups during the training. 

Special Guest Faculty

You’ll also learn from leading trauma experts, therapists, and organizational consultants who will present guest lectures and engage in dialogue with the group.

Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program Special Guest Faculty Headshot of Stephen Porges, PhD

Stephen Porges, PhD

Distinguished University Scientist, Traumatic Stress Research Consortium Founding Director, Professor of Psychiatry

Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program Special Guest Faculty Headshot of Gina LaRoche Headshot of Jennifer Cohen Headshot of Lisa Lahey, Ed.D.

Lisa Lahey, Ed.D.

Lecturer on Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education and Chief Knowledge Officer at Minds at Work & The Developmental Edge
Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program Special Guest Faculty Headshot of Jennifer N. Wynn

Jennifer N. Wynn

Clinical Assistant Professor at NYU Stern School of Business, Founder of Wynn Strategies, and Former Director of Education at the Obama Foundation
Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program Special Guest Faculty Headshot of Gina LaRoche Headshot of Jennifer Cohen Headshot of Dr. Dan Siegel

Dr. Dan Siegel

Executive Director, Mindsight Institute

Gina LaRoche

Co-Founder of Seven Stones Leadership Group

Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program Special Guest Faculty Headshot of Zander Grashow

Zander Grashow

Co-Author of Adaptive Leadership, Creator of How to Change Everything, & Founder of Good Wolf Process

Jennifer Cohen

Co-Founder of Seven Stones Leadership Group
Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program Special Guest Faculty Headshot of Dr. Richard Schwartz

Dr. Richard Schwartz

Founder of Internal Family Systems Therapy

Christina Bethell, PhD

Director, Child And Adolescent Health Measurement Initiative and Professor, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

Robert J. Anderson

Founder & Chairman of The Leadership Circle & the Full Circle Group

Karen Crawford Simms

Founding Director, Trauma & Resilience Initiative, Inc. and Meridian K Consulting & Coaching

Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program Special Guest Faculty Headshot of Michelle Brody

Michelle Brody, Ph.D.

Executive Coach and Clinical Psychologist
Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program Special Guest Faculty Headshot of Otto Scharmer, PhD

Otto Scharmer, PhD

Co-Founder of Presencing Institute and Sr. Lecturer at MIT

“To create a container for deep transformational work, we must commit to each other. It is a commitment from me to you, and from you to me. In this commitment we care for each other, and we grow more and more stable in our alignment with the source of life. This nourishing environment is where healing happens.”

— Amy Elizabeth Fox

Become Part of an Innovative Global Network of Trauma-Informed Consultants and Coaches

During the one-year program you will study intensively with a small group of powerful practitioners and thought leaders who are at the forefront of the trauma-informed leadership and coaching field as well as pioneers in transformational leadership offerings.

Through these meetings unique friendships and bonds will be forged that can become the basis for ongoing relationships in both personal and business settings. This will create the container to support the growing wave of global interest in helping executives to become more trauma-informed and organizations to become places of healing and restoration.

The global nature of the program will foster international connections, expanding your potential for collaborative projects and initiatives worldwide. The varied cultural backgrounds among participants bring a richness to the community and enables us to look together at the dimensions of ancestral and collective trauma.

Program Summary

Trauma-Informed Consulting & Coaching Certificate Program

When accepted into the program, here is everything you will receive:

  • MODULE 1: 5-day In-Person Opening Retreat (Boston, MA, USA)
  • MODULE 2: 4-day Online Retreat with Special Guests in the field of Trauma and Trauma Healing
  • MODULE 3: 4-Day Online Retreat with Special Guests in the field of Organizational Development and Human Resources
  • MODULE 4: 4-day Online Retreat with Special Guests serving as consultants, coaches, HR professionals and business leaders who are experts trauma-informed interventions and who are pioneers in building trauma-informed organizational cultures
  • Access to all Videos, Audios, and Transcripts of all Meetings and Trainings
  • Access to a Practitioner Portal with an Extensive Library of Curated Supplemental Study Materials
  • A Private Online Community Site to Connect with Others in the Program
  • Small-Group Supervision Sessions with Mentors
  • Certificate of Completion

Tuition & Costs

Program Tuition:


Payment Options:

One payment of $9,750

Two payments of $4,875

Monthly payment plan: 12 monthly payments of $825


A non-refundable deposit of $500 is due upon acceptance in order to reserve your place in the program. This deposit will be applied towards program tuition.

Additional Costs not Covered in Tuition:

The costs of travel and lodging for the in-person retreat is additional and not included in the program tuition.

Financial Assistance:

A limited number of partial scholarships will be available for qualified applicants based on financial need.

Cancellation Policy

  • Cancel by January 15, 2024 – forfeit deposit only
  • Cancel between January 15 – March 1, 2024: forfeit deposit + 25% of fees
  • Cancel after March 1, 2024: No refund because we have held a limited space and may not be able to fill it last minute. Forfeit deposit and 100% of fees

Optional Professional Education Credits Add-on:


How to Apply

To attend the program, you should meet the following prerequisites:

  • You have a minimum of 5-7 years experience working with clients as a professional group facilitator, executive coach, management consultant, mediator, HR professional, or senior-level organizational leader
  • You have a professional degree and/or certification as appropriate to your particular discipline
  • You are open to undertake a meditation or other daily contemplative or spiritual practice
  • If a new student to the work of Thomas Hübl, you will be willing to complete the required pre-study before the first session including our core trauma and transparent communication online courses. You will also attend a welcome call with Thomas and Amy plus a group orientation call.

Step 1:

Watch the Intro Session

Step 2:

Submit Your Application

To begin your application for the Trauma-Informed Consulting and Coaching Certification, please fill out and submit the application form to tell us a bit about your background and interests.

Once your application has been received and reviewed, you may be asked to schedule an online interview with a member of the TICC team.

Applicants will be notified of their acceptance on a rolling basis.


Step 3:

Enroll in the Program

Upon your acceptance into the Trauma-Informed Consulting and Coaching Certification, you will formally enroll in the program by signing a Participation Agreement and making a tuition deposit to hold your place in the program.

What students say about our training programs

“Amy Elizabeth Fox has been instrumental in leading a movement to bring emotional intelligence, deep healing and trauma informed leadership to corporate life. We worked together on a large Financial Services program where the testimonials from senior Executives made clear how important and successful this work from Amy has been.”​
Celia P., Executive Development Lead, Financial Services
“Learning with and from Amy Elizabeth Fox has profoundly deepened and elevated my approach to coaching and consulting. She is a pioneer in the field of trauma-informed leadership and helps translate deep wisdom with exquisite eloquence and coherence.”
Johanna L., Partner, McKinsey & Company
“The trauma-informed leadership training is essential for all purpose-driven leaders, a transformational encounter.”
Patricia F., CEO
“I cannot thank you enough for your craft and your care. You set expectations and norms, pushed our boundaries, role modeled, and kept us present. You created the ultimate safe space for discovery, community building, and introspection.”
"Studying with Thomas has really magnified every part of the way that I work with people. It's given precision to all of the specific interventions, techniques, and modalities."
Ryan M.
“I felt the content of this course has been hugely supportive for my work. I felt so much resonance in the wide breadth of language around how to bring up trauma in difference spaces, especially where it isn’t discussed or addressed.”
Greta M., Co-Founder Non-Profit Organization
I loved my experience in Thomas' course sessions. So many wisdom gems to sit on and digest. I really, really loved witnessing him with live students.”
Britanny M.
“Doing the Trauma-Informed Leadership Course was one of the highlights of my professional learning of the past years.  All the teachers were phenomenal.”
Dana L., CEO & Philanthropist
“What a fantastic faculty Mobius brought to the table! The magic was how they created intimacy amongst fellow participants over Zoom. Never seen it done before. Right mix of breaks and intense sessions. Masterclass indeed!”

Introductory Information Session

Watch a free 1-hour talk by Thomas Hübl and Amy Elizabeth Fox on Becoming a Trauma-Informed Consultant & Coach. They discuss how to integrate trauma-informed approaches and methods into your existing practice to create a greater impact for those you serve.

Click the button to register and watch the Intro Session:

Frequently Asked Questions

The online workshops will be held on the day of the schedule from:
7am–1pm Los Angeles / 10am–4pm New York / 4pm–10pm Berlin

The in-person retreat will be held at The Revere Hotel in Boston, MA, from March 3–8, 2024. (Sunday dinner – Friday lunch). Participants may choose to stay at The Revere Hotel or at another hotel in the area. There are many hotels within walking distance of The Revere.

Attendance at the in-person retreat is strongly encouraged. The retreat offers the opportunity to practice together in a group and to work on developing skills applicable to trauma-informed leaders through in-person facilitation and group work.

Waivers will be granted only to participants experiencing a serious health issue, financial hardship, or travel restrictions.

A limited number of partial scholarships will be available for qualified applicants based on financial need, to cover tuition expenses only.

We are currently investigating options for offering CEs. If available, CEs will be offered as an optional add-on for a nominal fee.

This program will be held in English only.